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Contact Information
Today's total
To reserve your initial visit
How we charge
To secure your initial visit, we'll charge you only $10 today.
The total cost of the service is $149, and this includes all
applicable taxes. The remaining amount of $139 will be charged
24 hours prior to your scheduled service. You do not need to
worry about any subscription or membership fees.
Secured payment
Today's total
To reserve your initial visit
How we charge
To secure your initial visit, we'll charge you only $10 today.
The total cost of the service is $149, and this includes all
applicable taxes. The remaining amount of $139 will be charged
24 hours prior to your scheduled service. You do not need to
worry about any subscription or membership fees.
Cancellation & No Show Policy: Free cancellation and reschedule 24 hours or more before your appointment. Cancelled appointments within 24 hours are charged in full. Missed appointments are charged in full.
I have read and agree to the the following policies, and I agree to receive marketing communications from Klarity.
Consent to Telehealth Services
Patient Self-Pay Agreement